Match Report

Match Report

Match Report
An overcast sky looms overhead here at Municipal de Los Ángeles where Social y Cultural Iberia play CSD Rangers in this league cup game. A crowd of 18,767 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Social y Cultural Iberia and CSD Rangers are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Ian Vásquez.

Social y Cultural Iberia start the match!
Santiago Farías flicks a high pass forward to N. De Araujo Siviglia who brings the ball under control. N. De Araujo Siviglia knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Santiago Farías chips the ball to his team mate, N. De Araujo Siviglia. N. De Araujo Siviglia whips in a cross ball towards Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga fearlessly jumps in, powering the ball goalwards with his head. The keeper is more than a match for it. Quality keeping!
Santiago Farías flicks a high ball forward to David Espinoza who takes it down. David Espinoza threads a neat ball through to N. De Araujo Siviglia. N. De Araujo Siviglia skips past Thomas Venegas! N. De Araujo Siviglia comes through the middle and smashes a shot from 11 yards out but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Santiago Cárdenas threads a neat ball through to Santiago Farías. Santiago Farías advances with the ball. Santiago Farías whips in a cross ball towards N. De Araujo Siviglia. N. De Araujo Siviglia makes a convincing header. Vicente Vásquez didn't know what hit him as the ball comes off him at close range. The loose ball is scrambled clear by the defence.
Nicolás Martínez makes a simple pass to Hugo Alvarado. Showing composure, Hugo Alvarado plays the ball forward to Andres Quintero. Andres Quintero knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Dos Santos Montes.
Joaquín Briseño threads a neat ball through to David Espinoza. David Espinoza runs straight at the opposition's defence. David Espinoza whips in a cross ball towards Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga makes a convincing header. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Social y Cultural Iberia!
Da Silva Medina makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Andres Quintero. Andres Quintero whips in a cross ball towards Ignacio Parra. Ignacio Parra beats his man to it with a header. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Santiago Cárdenas sees a break and surges forward. Santiago Cárdenas flicks the ball to his team mate, Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Martim Salas.
Joaquín Briseño makes a strong solo run forward. Joaquín Briseño hits a low pass to David Espinoza. David Espinoza lofts in a cross ball towards Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. Daniel Zúñiga scores for Social y Cultural Iberia!!
Ramón Portillo makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Andres Quintero. Andres Quintero knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Joaquín Briseño.
Daniel Sanhueza makes a probing pass to Thomas Torres. Thomas Torres skips past Thomas Venegas! Some silky footwork from Thomas Torres provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal but Vicente Vásquez is on top of it.
Daniel Sanhueza advances with the ball. Daniel Sanhueza knocks the ball beyond the defensive line but Daniel Zúñiga is offside!
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. Social y Cultural Iberia appear unchanged since the first half. CSD Rangers also appear unchanged since the first half.

The second half starts with CSD Rangers kicking off!
N. De Araujo Siviglia threads a neat ball through to Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga shoots from distance but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Thomas Venegas threads the ball through to Da Silva Medina. Da Silva Medina makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Hugo Alvarado. Hugo Alvarado finds some space and shoots from distance. Cristóbal Riquelme gathers the ball up comfortably. Well saved!
Thomas Torres sees space and advances. Thomas Torres knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Thomas Venegas.
Social y Cultural Iberia are in full control of this game.
Joaquín Briseño chips the ball to his team mate, Daniel Zúñiga. Daniel Zúñiga knocks in a cross ball towards Santiago Farías. Santiago Farías knocks the ball goalwards with his head. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Dos Santos Montes chips the ball to his team mate, Santiago Farías. With a delightful solo run, Santiago Farías stretches the opposition's defence. Santiago Farías puts a great ball through. N. De Araujo Siviglia runs beyond the defensive line but is deemed offside!
Daniel Zúñiga comes in with a late challenge on Tomás Jiménez. The referee calls over Daniel Zúñiga and shows him a yellow card! Tomás Jiménez runs off the knock.
N. De Araujo Siviglia sees Daniel Zúñiga in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Daniel Zúñiga whips in a cross ball towards N. De Araujo Siviglia. N. De Araujo Siviglia makes a deft header but Vicente Vásquez is on top of it.
Santiago Farías darts forward. Santiago Farías tries a spectacular long range effort. It curls slightly but Vicente Vásquez manages to gather it.
The referee blows for full-time

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 1
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 8 vs 2
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 2 vs 0
Offsides: 4 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 65.0602409638554 vs 34.9397590361446
Play Area
Home team third: 21.69%, Midfield: 48.19%, Away team third: 30.12%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Daniel Zúñiga of Social y Cultural Iberia

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
7. Martim Salas (MID)
9. Ignacio Parra (MID)
10. Hugo Alvarado (ATT)
11. Andres Quintero (ATT)

13. Antonio Tapia (ATT)
14. Felipe Bustos (ATT)